View Gantt

#1 View Gantt


In this tab user can view Gantt according to the search criteria set on the previous tab. The tab is made up of 2 sections, divided themselves into 2 panels.

  1. Upper section: in the upper section on the left side the user can view the list of documents which have been selected one below the other through the check box in the previous tab and with an indentation based on the connections that documents have each other. The document name is appropriately abbreviated (e.g. Production Job Order = Prod. J.O., Production Order = PO, Purchase Demand = PD Subcontracted Order = SO, etc…). In the event that the production job order has more than one item, below the production job order there is the item code (“ITEM” with class, code and description of it). In every line user can view also the document start date (in “Start” column) and the end date (in “Stop” column). To everyone of these lines correspond an horizontal bar at the top of the section, which shows graphically detailed documents on the links of this section. The horizontal bars concern a time period that can be expanded or reduced by using special ribbon bar buttons called “Zoom Out” and “Zoom In” and by viewing each days and the several employments by hour/minute. In addition thanks to a double click on the horizontal bar of a document it is possible to open the same document together with the rights of user who is performing this operation. The horizontal bars can be moved into the graphic through a simple “drag and drop”; this operation enables the user to move document dates dynamically. Navigating away from the tab and through the “Simulation Import” the user can decide to confirm the modification or not .
  2. Lower Section: in the lower section a histogram related to the availability and use of the productive resources is shown and divided into 2 panels. In the  left panel it is possible to view the Work Centers names that concern the workings that user has decided to view in graphic. On the contrary in the right panel, that is linked to the left panel, it is possible to find some vertical bars that according to the working day have the work quantity that each Work Center has to perform according to time of that days production orders phases. It is important to consider even that the histogram concerns the total engagements of the single work centers and it does not consider graphically the engagement coming from the gannt production order. Through a double click on the histogram ribbon bar of any work center the user has the possibility to explode a window in which it is possible to show the gannt production order list and the production order list not present in the simulation that user is performing. This together with the possibility starting from this window to open documents directly. La finestra che viene aperta con il doppio click sull’istogramma si chiama “Visualizza ordini”, e viene dettagliata qui di seguito. The window that can be opened through a double click on the histogram is called “View Orders” and is speicified as follows.


BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013

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